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Thriving minds at the Pilmico Congress 2019

Sep 19, 2019

Pilmico, the food subsidiary of the Aboitiz Group, will hold the Pilmico Congress on September 20 to 21, 2019 at Quest Hotel in Pampanga. The Pilmico Congress, formerly known as the Pilmico Jr. Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture Congress, is a gathering of top students from various universities in the Philippines taking up agriculture, animal science, veterinary medicine, and engineering to connect with industry leaders and learn the best practices in the field. The Congress is packed with activities and keynote talks that put the focus into sparking innovation and creativity among the attendees in the context of the agricultural industry.

For its fifth year, the Pilmico Congress has repositioned itself not only as a learning and development opportunity for scholars, but a celebration of the coming together of brilliant minds at work with its theme, Thrivefest. 

The Thrivefest breathes new meaning into the word THRIVE by aligning the whole program to tackle the following aspects: Transformation, Health, Relationship, Innovation, Values, and Experience; all of which have been carefully represented in the five-part program.

The program begins with Thriving in the Real World that discusses life after school and tips on how to make the most out of it. This is followed by Growing our Grains which introduces Pilmico’s flour business and how Pilmico does its part in making sure to provide quality food products to their customers. Crossing Borders is part three of the Thrivefest which recognizes the importance of the value of innovation in everything Pilmico does. Building Bigger Islands encourages the participants to think bigger by creating and fostering transformative relationships. Lastly, the Thrivefest will conclude with Hunting ‘The Wild’, a pitching challenge where the participants innovation skills are put to the test.

Pilmico advances businesses and communities through events like the Pilmico Congress by sharing their expert knowledge in the industry to budding highly-skilled scholars as their Partner for Growth in their careers and in life.

