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Pilmico, DA-BAI keep ASF out of PH with #M3Time

Aug 17, 2019

With the looming threat of African Swine Fever entering the Philippines, both public and private organizations are taking preventive steps to ensure the safety and security of the country’s hog industry. 

Showing support to the government’s efforts on ASF, Pilmico launched #M3Time, an awareness campaign that centers on the importance of biosecurity. Ultimately, the campaign promotes self-awareness to all individuals highlighting their integral role in keeping diseases like ASF out of the country. 

In a turnover ceremony last July 16, 2019, Pilmico granted 500 1L bottles of Dualguard 20 disinfectants for footbaths to be placed in airports and seaports to the DA-BAI. Along with this, up-to-date information and details on ASF, in the form of pull-up banners, were also produced to be placed in major airports and seaports to encourage travelers to be more wary of being carriers of the virus.

Pilmico’s efforts to combat ASF doesn’t stop there. The #M3Time campaign continues through the Pilmico Food, Agri, and Livelihood Expo, a touring exposition of Pilmico’s products and services in different provinces packed with free training, seminars, and consultations with experts in farming, baking, and business. At the expo, Pilmico highlights the key messages of the campaign which are: Maglinis, Magtanong, and Manigurado, steps which individuals and local farmers can take to prevent the entry of ASF to their local communities. The campaign also enables local farmers to practice biosecurity measures in their farms. Pilmico ensures this by teaching them how to properly disinfect and by introducing them to the #M3Time checklist, a set of actionable items that farmers can follow in order to make sure that their farms are clean and most importantly, biosecure.

#M3Time and by showing support for the DA-BAI are just some ways Pilmico stays true to its promise of being the backyard farmer’s Partner for Growth; ensuring and securing the safety of local hog agribusinesses and essentially,  the country’s P200-B hog industry.

